📖 We've Published a Book!

Blockchain Explained: Your Ultimate Guide to the Tokenization of Finance

Good Mornin’ Readers!

We are very excited to finally unveil a major project that’s been in the works for the better part of 18 months now - Blockchain Explained: Your Ultimate Guide to the Tokenization of Finance.

Blockchain Explained is a 300+ page book authored by Peter Gaffney, Kyle Sonlin, and Herwig Konings of Security Token Group detailing the fundamentals of blockchain and key themes to recognize across cryptocurrencies, utility tokens, stablecoins, the DeFi ecosystem, NFTs, DAOs, commercial solutions, and of course, tokenization. We wrote this as a catch-all to the digital assets space, using a tone that works for a fresh investment banking analyst, a tenured finance professor, and an emerging asset manager alike.

We believe this book will serve as a benchmark of knowledge to anybody in the capital markets field, as well as related interests on the engineering, data science, and FinTech application fronts. The end goal is to build a common ground of digestible and referenceable knowledge all in one place that draws on the history of the digital assets industry while looking ahead at its tangible usage within the broader financial markets.

Major thank you to Anthony Bassili (Head of Asset Allocators & Tokenization at Coinbase), Anthony Moro (CEO of Provenance Blockchain), and Pat O’Meara (CEO of Inveniam) for the back-cover endorsements of this publication, and to Marc Powers, Esq. (former SEC Attorney and FIU Law Professor) for the foreword.

Full Endorsement:

Blockchain Explained is a timely and foundational look at how the blockchain has reached an inflection point and is now powering the future of financial applications and products. We are entering the golden age of Blockchain scaling, where digital assets are arriving on chain and institutions are recognizing that the much needed upgrade to the legacy financial markets is finally here. Tokenization of assets offers enhanced automation, security, transparency, scale, cost savings, and efficiency and this book does an excellent job outlining the current state of tokenization, and where we are going. A must read for anyone interested in the future of open financial systems.

Anthony Bassili, Head of Asset Allocators & Tokenization at Coinbase

Blockchain Explained provides a front row seat to understanding the significant changes about to happen in financial services infrastructure and the applications that will reshape how value is transferred, settled and stored. Tokenization of financial assets will increase efficiencies and reduce costs across an asset's lifecycle, improve the efficient allocation of capital, optimize global supply chains, catalyze a new generation of software-as-a-service companies and ultimately drive mainstream adoption. Benefits will be widespread, but ultimately result in more transparency and lower costs for borrowers and investors.

Anthony Moro, CEO Provenance Blockchain Foundation

You can not understand a new technology's impact on society until you understand the core technology, the applications, and dream the dream of this fully implemented. Peter, Kyle, and Herwig have done an excellent job of not only providing an excellent explanation of how this technology works and its application, they start the process of framing what Capital Markets will look like tomorrow.

Patrick D. O'Meara, CEO Inveniam